I love what you said about creating conversations about what truly matters. I think we need more of that, or less of all the other things so we can receive those deeper things more.

What I have been thinking about lately is that I want less. There are so many distractions, there is so much noise. And I think so many of us are unconsciously living at a pace that isn’t working for us. I want gentle, quiet. Places that remind me of who I am and that invite me to go at my own pace. Anything that reminds me

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I see you, and I sense a beautiful invitation in between the lines. I felt the "pressure" of creating something that would ask from the participants to do more when actually we need less and better. That's why I wrote this simple letter. To find my people, and curate something special for us. I knew you'd be on this team!

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Jun 16Liked by Ardas Chandra

This speaks to me so much!

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And I wrote this listening to the 12th Pauri by The Sat Nam Sessions: your talent is embedded in my lines. Your song made me feel confident that the place of power I'm seeking is not to be found anywhere outside of myself, but deeply within. I knew you'd share the overall mindset I'm trying to describe.

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Jun 16Liked by Ardas Chandra

Love you so much! And all that you are creating.

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Your introspection contains so much of what I was reflecting on in the last period of working so many hours and feeling I need less and more space of my own. Less influence, less distractions, less gossip, less dependence, less pain less anger and more connection and trust, creation what we might call free dom😊

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more sound and voice.

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Less and better. Yes! Thank you for being here and sharing with me/us where you are at. It is helping me to shape the future for us. More being present.

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Jun 17Liked by Ardas Chandra

Thank you for this simple yet powerful message! I’m looking for connection, expansion, simplicity, authenticity, freedom to be myself and feeling understood 🤍

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Jun 18Liked by Ardas Chandra

Sat Nam 🫶 thank you for your words.

In this moment of my life (postpartum 17 months as a foreigner in the country im living in) im looking for balance, I’m looking to find myself again in the small spaces of time I have to return to me as a woman.

I’m just looking to stay present and to enjoy the now, to find connections that are mutual and authentic ✨

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