This letter is a must-read… It is a Deep Dive and it requires (and deserves) your full undisturbed attention. Schedule a time and space when you can study and squeeze all the juice from it.
May my words remind you of your essence, may this letter be a transmission for your liberation.
Do you know what helped me to trust myself lately1?
Learning about the variables (often called “the arrows”) in Human Design.
It was my “Aaaaah, you see?! It just doesn’t work for me, I knew it!!!” kind of moment.
So today, I’d love to share with you my understanding of the right-facing arrows vs. left-facing arrows, and how they can help us to trust ourselves a little bit more... Because deep down, in the core of your being, you already know what is the most correct for you.
May this letter serve as a reminder of the Essence of You. Enjoy!
This or that?
Do not open your Human Design yet.
I want to guide you through a series of this or that questions so that you get a chance to see what feels the most natural to you first. There are no right or wrong answers, just notice your first intuitive choice.
Do you prefer to plan your workflow in advance or do you like to let your ideas flow naturally as they come?
Do you actively engage with your surroundings, always finding something to do and paying close attention to details or do you take in your environment passively, absorbing information without focusing too hard, being able to lean back and relax?
Do you thrive in a structured (physical or digital) workspace with a clear plan, everything tidy and organized or do you prefer a flexible and open environment that allows for spontaneity?
Do you enjoy setting specific goals and actively pursuing them or do you prefer to let things unfold naturally, trusting that opportunities meant for you will find you?
Do you feel better when your mornings are the same every day, and you can stick to a set routine or do you enjoy mixing up your mornings and trying new things?
Do you need to analyze and weigh options before making a decision or do you often trust your gut feeling and go with your first instinct?
Do you prefer planned gatherings and scheduled events with friends or do you love spontaneous meet-ups and last-minute hangouts?
Do you like to complete tasks methodically and systematically or do you prefer to work on projects as inspiration strikes, regardless of a timeline?
Do you thrive in structured classes with clear objectives and lessons or do you enjoy exploring topics at your own pace and following your interests?
Do you create art (or write) based on a defined plan or do you let my creativity flow freely without a specific direction in mind?
Do you plan every detail of your trips and stick to an itinerary or do you like to go with the flow and discover things as you travel?
Do you make a detailed shopping list and stick to it or do you enjoy wandering through the aisles and picking up whatever catches your eye?
Do you follow a strict workout/meditation schedule and measure your progress or do you prefer to try different activities/exercises as you feel inspired without a fixed plan?
Do you prefer to address issues head-on and discuss them immediately or do you like to reflect on the situation before addressing it, allowing your feelings to settle?
Do you have a clear vision of where you want to be in five years and actively plan for it or are you open to where life takes you and trust that opportunities will arise when the time is divinely right?
Now what?
The first part of each question reflects the old paradigm (what ruled for the past 400 years), where structure, discipline, and predictability guide your actions — those are, in your chart, the left-pointing arrows.
The second part of each question aligns with the new paradigm (coming up in 2027 and beyond), which embraces intuition, spontaneity, and a more fluid approach to life, allowing things to unfold naturally in the present moment — those are, in your chart, the right-pointing arrows.
You may now pull up your Human Design here, and keep it open.
This is where we are looking at in this letter, the arrows next to the head: