Introducing a new post series Re: ________ where I answer questions from my DMs1 because I know these insights can benefit more than just one person. In this format, I’ll share my thoughts as they naturally unfold.
The question
Re: Daily Pages
“Could you tell me how often and after how much time you reread your morning pages? I started a few weeks ago, writing only on the right-hand page for this purpose, but I’m not sure how to go about it...”
My answer
Morning Pages are a daily practice from The Artist’s Way. You write 3 stream-of-consciousness pages first thing in the morning to 1. clear your mind and 2. spark creativity. It’s life-changing, but hey, I’ve been writing them for 5 years, so I’m biased (!).
I like to call my “morning pages” my “daily pages.”
Here’s why: unless I’m the first one awake at home, my mornings are often a juggling act, and it’s usually later in the day before I can sit down with my journal. I do write them daily, but not first thing in the morning. So Daily Pages > Morning Pages2.
I recommend writing only on the right-hand page of your journal and leaving the left-hand page temporarily blank. Why? Because you’ll want your Daily Pages to guide your actions.
In my world, clarity comes from action, and action comes from intuition.
Daily Pages are my way of tuning in to my intuition and figuring things out. They not only help me 1. clear my mind and 2. spark creativity, but also 3. determine my energetic priority.
So, what about the left-hand page? Set aside time each week to reread the previous 7 days of Daily Pages, I like to do this every Sunday night, for example, to clear the energy of the past week and prepare for the new week (your girl loves a fresh start…).
Then what? On the left-hand page, use two different markers: one colour for ‘Action Needed’ and another for ‘Insights’.
Action Needed: Schedule tasks on your calendar and prioritize them on your to-do list. That’s how you turn ideas into reality. If you’re not into planning, try using Post-It notes and place them where you’ll see them.
Insights: Think of them as a map that shows you where you’ve been and where you want to go. An insight can lead to a call-to-action. For example, if you find yourself consistently complaining about a person, place, or situation, that’s a sign to take action and change that relationship or circumstance.
I think that’s it. That’s how you can have the highest return on investment from your Daily Pages.
So, in short, here is what to do next:
Start writing your Daily Pages today.
Schedule a time on Sunday night to re-read your pages of the week. Find the Actions Needed and the Insights.
Repeat: write, then re-read.
If you have any questions about what I’ve shared in a previous newsletter, or anything you’re curious about, feel free to send me a DM, reply to this post via email, or leave a comment below.
Take great care of yourself, until next time!
Bless you,
Ardas Chandra
Feel free to send your questions away! Just hit reply, or send me a DM. Topics I like to talk about, in no particular order: journaling, style, meditation, motherhood, marriage, beauty, knitting, human design, intuition, reality transurfing… and anything else I’ve ever written about in this Substack publication.
Read more about my reframing here. It’s liberating, especially if you are a parent.