Quiet mornings are for this: a journaling session made of simple questions that can take you to the Moment of Clarity. My second meeting of the day, bringing pen-to-paper (my first meeting is my daily meditation practice).
Open questions I am asking myself right now — there is no right or wrong answer. I will choose a specific focus, answer all of them for that topic, and if I feel something else needs attention, then I’d repeat the process for another area of my life.
Here are my go-to journaling prompts:
Where am I gaining energy right now?
Where am I leaking energy right now?
What am I looking forward to?
What’s the best way to serve?
What could be done better?
and a bonus question for today: where do I need to concentrate my time, energy, and attention in order to grow?
Infinite blessings,
Ardas Chandra
Tested my superpowers, work on multiple fronts simultaneously... 🌞
Thank you for the Sunday journal 🧡